Remote Work has gone mainstream...
Are you remote ready?
Chief Remote Officer offers a variety of training options to help prepare you, your team and your company to find success with remote work.
There is more to remote work than allowing people take their laptops home to work from their couch.
Without proper training, remote workers feel isolated from their teams and disconnected from the company.
Remote Work Master Class
Video series to help prepare you and your team for the realities of remote work.
Learn the levels and phases of remote work along with the advantages and disadvantages of working remotely.
Kindle Book
A great companion book to the Remote Work Master Class titled "Making Remote Work, Work For You".
Available in the Amazon Kindle store.
Remote Work Consulting
If you or your company require more personalized remote work training, we have you covered.
Every situation is unique, so contact us to tell your story.
Remote Work is the Future Present!
Working remotely has some amazing benefits… and some very real drawbacks.
The COVID-19 outbreak has forced us to re-think many of the long held beliefs and philosophies about what it means to “go to work”. Remote work, when done correctly, enables workers to be MORE productive while still taking care of the other important things in their lives. In order for workers, teams and companies to succeed at remote work, they need to develop empathy and receive the proper training.
Many workers were forced into “work from home” arrangements during the COVID-19 outbreak in order for their companies to remain viable. Many of the necessary systems, processes, tools and services were not yet in place to fully support this new way of working. During very stressful and uncertain times, everyone adjusted to the best of their abilities while scrapping for survival.
Now that some time has passed and the basics of working from home are in place, workers are complaining about burn out and demanding more from their jobs. Working from home while being stuck in Zoom calls all day is no more productive than going to work at the office.
In order to bridge the gap from “being forced to work from home during uncertain times” to “being truly productive while enjoying the benefits of remote work”, we need to understand the differences between remote work and more traditional working arrangements while making changes to adapt.

Remote Work is a Spectrum
Remote work is a spectrum and will likely come in phases.
- Forced Acceptance – Many companies were forced to allow remote work in order to survive.
Worker productivity is up but many are complaining about burn out.Where do we go from here?
How do we improve working arrangements, reduce burnout and stay productive?
What type of working arrangements will be offered on the other side of COVID-19?
Most companies are in this phase and unsure how to proceed. - Asynchronous communication by default – In this phase, more communication is done via written documentation with less emphasis on real time meetings.
This allows people to work on their own convenient schedules.
Not everyone is productive at the same time everyday.
This phase also makes it possible to hire across several time zones. - Work from anywhere, any time – Location and working hours are no longer concerns.
In this phase, you can build a truly global team that operates 24/7 while maintaining a connection to their team and company.

Remote Work is a Spectrum
Remote work is a spectrum and will likely come in phases.
In the Forced Acceptance phase, many companies were forced to allow remote work so they could survive.
Under very stressful conditions, workers have kept up their productivity but many are complaining about burn out.
Where do we go from here?
How do we improve working arrangements, reduce burnout and stay productive?
What type of working arrangements will be offered on the other side of COVID-19?
Most companies are in this phase and unsure how to proceed.
Are you satisfied in this phase or do you want to take remote worker further to fully realize its benefits?
Some of those benefits include “asynchronous first” communication and a diverse, global team that operates 24/7 while maintaining a connection to their team and company.
Sound good? Chief Remote Officer can help you get there!
Remote Work Training That Works For You!
Every situation is unique so contact us to tell us where you are on your remote work journey and where you hope to go.
Let’s work together to build a training program that works for you.